Street Haven’s Emergency Shelter provides 50 women with a safe place to sleep, nourishing meals, clothing, and medical supports, as well as access to counselling to help them rebuild their lives. Every night, the shelter is filled to capacity. 

Some women stay a few days  and others stay as long as a year, due to the scarcity of affordable housing in Toronto. The 1000 women who seek refuge at Street Haven every year have experienced poverty, violence, addiction, illness, trauma and exploitation.

The Housing Within Shelters program staff assist women in the shelter to secure adequate housing, which can mean renting a room or moving to a subsidized or market-rent apartment. Staff also support clients to maintain housing after their move. This can include eviction prevention, negotiations with creditors and pre-employment supports. 

In 2016-17, Street Haven staff located housing for 37 women and helped 80 women to maintain their housing.

If you require additional information or are in need of a bed today, please call the main office at our Emergency Shelter at 416-967-6060 ext. 224 or our toll-free number at 1-844-967-6060.


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